Ride and Stride 2017 – Update


The results of our bike ride this year show a total of over £140,000 was raised, with more still to come. This is the best year we have had since 2014, and a marvelous outcome for all those who visited churches and chapels on foot or bicycle on that September Saturday.

Many thanks to all who supported this event by manning the churches and so generously sponsoring the participants. Our ancient places of worship need constand work to the fabric to keep them sound and watertight, and the shocking thefts of lead fom the roofs continue to be a cuase for concern.

Whether churchgoers or not, people in Suffolk love and value their heritage of medieval buildings which provide a focal point for so many communities. Support the ride and join us next year. More information can be found here.

Patrick Grieve
Ride and Stride Chairman

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